What is Data Management?
In any organization, whether at work or in school, data collecting is essential as it provides all the facts and references that you could need some time in the future. Data is, in fact, an integral part in any endeavor as it provides you with all the premises that you could use to back up your claim, your conclusion or your solution. This is especially true if you are running a business, big or small, as it gives you all the pertinent details that could help you better serve your clients and basically run your organization as smoothly as possible.
Data Management
Data Management is exactly what the term suggests. It is your process or system of keeping all your data in such a way that accessing them at any given time is simple and easy. It also means that all your data are kept in a systematic way that works for your organization and that your system is easily understandable by any one who comes in to join your work force.
Data Management, however, is a broad term that encompasses every process used to manipulate all the information that you have gathered and will be gathering still for your business or any other endeavor.
To be able to have a truly efficient data management system, you must look into several categories broken down as follows – data model, warehouse, movement, administration, and finally, mining. These categories should be able to work hand in hand to be able to come up with an effective data management system.
Data Management Processes
Briefly, your data model is your skeletal frame for how you will be gathering all your data and compartmentalizing them in such a way that everything will be arranged according to classifications as per your specifications.
Your data warehouse is where you will be keeping all your data, arranged accordingly. In a word, data warehouses are your storage areas that should be kept organized to avoid clutter and errors.
When you talk about movements in data management, what you are concerned about is transporting your data from one place to the next without affecting it in any way so that what you have is still the data that you’ve started with, only this time, you’ve managed to keep it in your database.
Perhaps the most important component in your data management is your database management. This is why most businesses, especially large enterprises, choose to have a Database Administrator on hand to take care of their databases.
This means that your DBA will be responsible for everything that directly affects your database, including the ability to recover lost data due to interruptions in your database system, security so unauthorized access of your database will be monitored and prevented, and other such pertinent tasks involving your database.
Finally, mining when it comes to your data collecting processes is that which helps you determine the trending in your data, which ultimately can provide vital information to help you make critical decisions about your businesses.
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