What is Database Normalization?
In terms of relational database design, database normalization is the process in which a database structure is free from any uncertainties like UPDATE, INSERTION and DELETION incidences. When this happens, the integrity of the data is at stake. That’s why, normalization was conceptualized. To be able to normalize a certain database, it should be designed in the third normal form. In the third normal form, all data will be secured, and only certain areas of the table are subjected to any change. Generally, a standard […]
What is an Oracle Database?
Databases are very important for web owners. They have come a long way since the early days of computing. Database systems have become more and more complicated. Although the focus nowadays have shifted from making databases to maintenance, that doesn’t mean everything has been less difficult. IT professionals nowadays are required certification by companies to make sure that they are updated. Technology has been moving in a fast pace, and the new version is always around the corner. One of the companies that make databases […]
What is an Online Database?
Online database is a compilation of information such as pertinent articles, graphics, books and multimedia that can readily be searched when looking for information. Most of these online databases are used in libraries and other institutions. This is significant to those people who are doing researches and other educational activities. All about Online Database Online database is the database you can access via the World Wide Web. It is definitely different from the typical database you would often access from your personal computer. Online […]
What is an Object Database?
Object database may also be referred to as an object-oriented database where the data is presented as an object, much like the ones used in an object-oriented program. Object database management systems or ODBMS are created by combining the capabilities of a database with the capabilities of an object programming language. The function of an ODBMS is to make the objects in a database look like objects for programming language in other object programming languages. The function of an ODBMS is to stretch the programming […]
What is an OLAP Database?
OLAP stands for online analytical processing and is the process of easily acquiring selected data from a database. It also functions by displaying the information in different perspective depending on the user. If, for example, a user wishes to see a certain product and where it can be bought, OLAP will then generate different reports showing exactly what the user is looking for. This is due to the multidimensional capability of the OLAP, which, unlike the relational database, uses only two-dimensional interface. The beauty of […]
What is Database Administration and Automation?
Having your own website is common nowadays. It gives one person the power to reach millions of people all around the world. Databases are important in storing and managing data in your computer. This is essential especially for those who want to publish content on the Internet and requires web applications. Online businesses have grown rapidly in the past years, and the use of websites has been proven to be very convenient for both customers and merchants. Like any other business, a websites needs to […]
What is an Informix Database?
There are many database management systems out there today. Different companies offer different versions of their products to provide different solutions. One of the leading products today in database systems is Informix. It is a group of relational database management system products by IBM. Informix Database Informix is IBM’s flagship product for integrated solutions and online transaction processing. At first, Informix stood on its own, with its own company with the same name, but later on, it was acquired by IBM. Its major competitor is […]
What is a XML Database?
XML, which is short for Extensible Markup Language, is a kind of software that helps systems which share information across different sources, such as through the internet. Not only that, XML also helps with encoding as well as serializing data. XML database, on the other hand, refers to a kind of software that allows or still retains the first version of any information and stores it even though there is already a new version of the information or even though it is already modified. This […]
What is JDBC or Java Database Connectivity?
Java Database Connectivity is basically a framework that supports the programs in order to access files from databases, flat files and spreadsheets. The Java database connectivity works by making connections with the user program and transforming into a “backstage” access to the database, regardless of the type of database management system used. Moreover, Java Database Connectivity is an application program interface for Java programs that allows users to gain access on pertinent data by the use of queries. With the use of the Java Database […]
What is ODBC or Open Data Base Connectivity?
ODBC is the short term used for Open Database Connectivity. It is the interface used by programmers to be able to use databases using SQL queries. ODBC is also defined as another method of accessing information that is stored in your computers or even in your office. You can use ODBC to access the databases from Microsoft Access, Excel and dBase. In the perspective of the end-user, ODBC is the best way of accessing information stored in another database without the need of understanding how […]
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