What is a DBA or Database Administrator?
Briefly, a database is your collection or data stored in your computer. It is your organized filing system on your computer system which helps you keep track of everything and manages all your information or documents in a way that will be easy to access and manipulate every time.
Your database management system dictates just how effective or ineffective the system actually is, and it will likewise determine whether your data storage program is working for you or against you.
In order to come up with an efficient data storage system on your computer system, especially if you want the same data accessible to several computers, you will need the expertise of someone who knows how to work databases, and that is your database administrator or manager.
Database Administrator Job Description
The job description of a database administrator is a long list of installing, designing, maintaining and updating the database management system you have in place. This means that they have to be always in the know about the latest upgrades in software or programs that your database system is using to make your database management system at par with the rest of the IT world.
A good database administrator should know all the workings of your database system so that, when incidents of errors occur, they can easily retrieve lost data, correct the errors, and basically put everything back to normal before the SNAFU happened.
If you are looking at creating an efficient database management system for a network of users in an office setup, you probably also have a system administrator who takes care of the networking aspect of your computer system.
If this is the case, your system manager and your database manager should work hand in hand to incorporate the database software into the network system. Therefore, a good database manager should also know how to work with a system administrator to optimize your database software or program.
A Good Database System
In a word, a good database system works to your advantage. If it has more foul-ups than you’d care to know, it’s probably high time to either change your database design or change your database manager.
A good database management system as designed and implemented by your database manager allows you to work efficiently with as little effort as possible. This means that the program is performing at the highest possible rate so you won’t experience downtimes and with as little possibility for errors as possible.
While it is very important that your database manager should be able to protect all your data to the point of restoring the program to its original form should foul-ups occur, they should also be able to provide you with the proper security to ensure that your data is safe within the network, and a sound security in place ensures that your confidential data are not open to anyone trying to access them, especially those without the authority to do so. Simply put, your database administrator can make life easier for the entire office if they know what they’re doing.
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